The Journal Comic Jam!

Important News:

Wanna take part in the JCJ? Send your character to!

So far, we only did HTML/CSS changes, but we will take care of the pic soon. We’re going to re-arrange the whole thing into a horizontally scrolling webpage. That way, there will be no more than three rows, and the individual characters are going to be more visible.

Anyone without a working link to his or her JC will be kicked out! Sorry, but we have to clean this out a little bit. There were a lot of links that didn’t work anymore, or we could not find the JC (or at least the archives) anymore. In those cases, we marked the entry with a “will be removed” note. If you happen to know the whereabouts of a particular JC marked for removal, please get in touch with us.

About the active/inactive attribute: Anything not updated within the past six months is considered “inactive”. Inactivity implies that the archives are still available online, otherwise it’s labelled, “No JC”.

Do not bookmark this page! This is just a temporary place to see what the new page will look like. It will eventually be moved to Ryan’s site once everything is done.


The JCJ was originally conceived by Kean, and is now being managed by Ryan and Eric, who are trying to put the JCJ through a major update, so check back often.

Will be listed in the remodeled version of the JCJ: